Once Parcells retired from the "Big D", he found another fish in Miami. At least he had some sense not to go back into coaching because of the failure in Dallas; heck his last playoff win was in 1998 as the New York Jets' coach. The Miami Dolphin organization must have been under the influence giving the Glorified Gym Teacher (thanks Mike Rhyner!) the keys to the kingdom by announcing him the Executive Vice President of Football (fattening his pockets once again). Didn't the Patriots owner, Robert Kraft, teach anybody anything? The Con Man cried about not having enough input in player personnel decisions. Upon his departure, Parcells famously stated: "They want you to cook the dinner; at least they ought to let you shop for some of the groceries". After Parcells departed New England, Kraft brought in a guy named Belichick, and the rest is history. The Glorified Gym Teacher took over the Dolphins, gutted the coaching staff and team, put his usual Parcells guys in place, (he does this everywhere he goes) and by accident, year two, the team won the division, though losing in the first round of the playoffs.

KCMAC38 A Fan's Point of View