credit to Wesley Hitt/Getty Images
After watching longtime Dallas Cowboy, Larry Allen get inducted into the Football Hall of Fame Saturday Night my first thought was is he really going to talk? I've watched this massive human being anchor the offensive line since the time he stepped on the gridiron in 1994. Throughout his career I have never heard the man talk. This is the same individual who was walking to the Cowboys' players parking lot many years ago with teammate, Terry Glenn. I had to see what kind of vehicle he drives. I'm thinking it has to be some sort of SUV or a gigantic luxury vehicle. Well, it wasn't a surprise to see Mr. Glenn get into a black Lamborghini. Glenn, a former wideout has a small frame that suits a fast exotic car. As Terry got into his vehicle, Mr. Allen walked past Terry's car to get into his black Lamborghini! I'm thinking WTF? Get out of here! How is this big MAN going to get into this itty bitty car? Just like Terry did, got into his car and drove off.
So today was a big day for Mr. Allen, his family, the Cowboy organization and the Cowboy fans. This was the day many of us would get to hear Larry Allen speak! If you are a fan of Larry Allen, the first thing to come to mind would be a side bet. What is the over/under of how many words will come out of Larry's mouth or how long will Larry stay on the stage? Will Jerry Jones speak longer than Larry? All of those questions were legit!
Larry Allen did suprisingly well. He represented himself, his family and the Dallas Cowboys in a very positive way. He thank everybody he knew as all inductees do. Larry had some of the best quotes of the night especially from a soft-spoken man who was terribly nervous as he wore his sunglasses throughout the night and had a hefty laugh through his entire speech. Here are some of the highlights:
He first thanked his wife, and it was the best quote of the night. For all you single ladies out there here's how to catch a man!
Mr. Allen even thanked his dad about keeping his temper under control:
The funniest part of the night was when he spoke about bench pressing 700lbs. In light of what is going on in baseball, he let it be known that he was all natural and the day he became the strongest man in football, Larry told the football world:
He added, “You know, it’s funny — once I benched 700 pounds, they tested me twice a week for the rest of my career.”
Here is video of Larry Allen lifting 700lbs.
Larry Allen, thank you for your service and thank you for representing the Dallas Cowboys!
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