What's the old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Well I be damn Zach Greinke, what about a third time. What was Carlos Quinten to do about getting beaned by a Greinke pitch for the third time in his career. Well it didn't take long! Take a look at the video to see how it started.

Who needs a Dodgers/Giants rivalry when there is plenty of blood to go around in San Diego. MMA fighting at its best! Well sort of, Grienke didn't do much after he threw his glove down but at least it was entertaining. Quentin is the only batter Greinke has ever hit 3 times, go figure. After the brawl, Quinten was ejected, Greinke was removed and later diagnosed with a broken left collarbone.
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