Five days since that misfortune injury to his right tibia against Duke, Kevin Ware was all smiles
Thursday night on the Davide Letterman Show. Prayers all over the country have been showered toward Kevin since his incident and was nice to see him in a humorous state as he was able pick a little fun on himself. Letterman, who is known for his witty top 10 list turn Ware into an instant celebrity.
Here is the Letterman Top 10:
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Here is the Letterman Top 10:
"This goes from a terrible tragedy to bit of a miracle, doesn't it?" Letterman said, chatting with the sophomore before Ware read the Top 10 List of "Thoughts going through Kevin Ware's mind" after he broke his leg:
10. "What was that loud cracking sound?"
9. "I hope this doesn't leave a bruise."
8. "Hey look, my tibia!"
7. "Ouch."
6. "Did it go in?"
5. "Oh boy, hospital food."
4. "Tape it up, Coach, I'm staying in."
3. "They fired Leno?"
2. "Heat then ice? Or ice then heat?"
1. "At least my bracket's not busted."It's good to see this young man with a smile on his face and I hope for a speedy recovery for him.
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